Whats Up Doc?

Everyone always underestimates carrot cake. Even me. I hadn't even TRIED it till last year.

Turns out its one of my girlfriends favourites, and when I read THIS recipe I realised I like EVERYTHING IN IT (although, walnuts are iffy….so I've swapped them out PERMANENTLY for pecans).

So, I made it, and one loaf went to hubbys work and was demolished, and one loaf went to my work and I've never seen anything disappear so quickly, or have something asked for by hungry colleagues so often. My sister didn't believe it had a vegetable in it. Best compliment ever.

When a few weeks ago we decided to get serious about hubby having a packed lunch I pulled out this recipe again, and he loved it. Last week at my parents place (we had a two week break, but being poor people saving for a house deposit that means holidays are free trips to the parents up north) I made it for my Dads lunch box. And converted two more people who didn't think much of carrot cake until this recipe of awesomeness. Hubby requested it be made again yesterday. Four bakes, three different ovens, and I still haven't gone wrong with it.

Please, stop being disinterested in carrot cake, at least for the sake of this particular recipe. Its worth the hype.

And just to prove things go wrong…..I exploded custard all over my microwave this evening and sulked for half an hour while hubby fixed it.